I'd like to get into Street Fighter, but I could never compete. I respect it as a game though. The only recent fighter I own is a MArvel Versus Capcom game I bought for my nephews to play. IT's pretty cool but I haven't really explored it.
I'd like to get into Street Fighter, but I could never compete. I respect it as a game though. The only recent fighter I own is a MArvel Versus Capcom game I bought for my nephews to play. IT's pretty cool but I haven't really explored it.
is this a Square Enix game? I can't remember.
it looks good for the original Half-Life.
is this for Half-Life or Half-life 2? either way it looks pretty good, kinda creepy. That one picture of the ghoul is a little scary.
thank God for mods!
I love Nintendo too. But they do some aggravating things, for sure.
joined. Thanks, man!
damn they have their fighter sticks and everything. And a lot of people! I guess this thing is pretty dang serious!
good going, man! Good luck out there.
damn this movie looks hardcore. Banned in 31 countries? Deluxe edition?
Looks like you found a good place to start your horror parade. I don't think I could watch this though. IT makes me squeamish just looking at the pics. I've gotten sensitive in my old age.
Oh man, I want to play that Fatal Frame game with the fan translation!