I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. No more "ok we're down to 10 GB left with 15 days to go so no downloading and the internet goes off at 10:00"
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. No more "ok we're down to 10 GB left with 15 days to go so no downloading and the internet goes off at 10:00"
That's a lot of cool games. I will have a Wii U soon I hope.
Happy New Year Ashley. I made a resolution years ago that I wouldn't make any more resolutions. I never manage to see them through but if you can do it, all the more power to you. :)
Persona 5 will be a big one for me. Dragon Quest VII too.
Yep, pretty much all true (says the guy who was born in England, lived there his first 12 years and is Canadian by paper).
I first heard about the Canadian flag pin when I was working in Amsterdam. I was told to wear one because the Dutch hate Americans and love Canadians. It got me a lot of free beers and conversation in the hotel bar.
I look foward to reading your new blogs. I'll take every other week over not at all. :)
Happy New Year.
I'm still going to need a big tablet for graphic novels but the 7 inch Nexus it pretty nice for day to day use and my dragon quest games.
Food looks incredible. Particularly that Prime Rib. *drooool*
Happy New Year. I was looking at my download list on PSN the other day and even if I take away old issues of QOR and demos (That I wish I could delete) there are over 800 digital games just sitting there. My numbers for physical are decreasing as they continue to sell but I still have 200 or so. I also have hundreds of games on Steam and GOG
I really don't need any more games but I have a feeling I'll be buying a few in 2016.