I'll probably buy an Xbox eventually but the PS4 and Wii come first.
I'll probably buy an Xbox eventually but the PS4 and Wii come first.
yeah I don't think my mom liked it either!
yeah I'm down with this. I grew up with Mad Max playing on cable and I loved it.
I'm pretty excited. I'm looking forward to Watch Dogs a lot. I know it's a multiplatform game but I'm going to be playing it on my PS4. NExt year will be the year though. I will probably buy a Wii U for Windwaker and Mario this year, and then buy a PS4 for Xmas or my birthday in January.
i'm excited about the news about iOS controllers. I know it wasn't official, but it looks good.
yeah who knows if people will buy Mirror's Edge, but I will!!!
the Ramones are awesome.
Now I will go back to counting down the minutes until Nintendo Direct.
yeah I like this movie, even if it isn't that great. It could have been better though.
yeah I'm hyped about this. Final Fantasy is my crack habit.