not around here, my friend. we love games.
not around here, my friend. we love games.
they didn't email me crap.
i know what u mean, and I was going to blog this too. the graphics look great, but the gameplay is totally the same. HEre's hoping Sony brings something new to the table. I hope they announce a JRPG or two. that would be great.
Looks like you got your wish.
honestly, I was getting into the hype and being like, "I want one!" but now that the conference is over I can't really recall what I wanted. D4 and Crimson Skies were certainly surprises though. I'll just play my brother's. I'm sure he'll get one.
KOTOR 3 Ultimate Collectors Edition would get me to sell my balls for an Xbone. You can accomplish a lot of shit with a real lightsaber.
that would be dope.
oh man what a terrible movie. Maybe I would have like it if I was high on crack on LSD. but I wasn't. What a doozie.
i forgot about Ninja Gaiden Z. That should be rad. E3 is upon us!!!!
living in a tent? Cary, you've fallen so far! But at least you're the mayor!
I've never played one of these games. they seem fun though. they're all the rage around here all of the sudden. I like the Animal Crossing 3DSXL model though.