I'm right there with u man, I haven't slept for 24 hours.. feeling a bit ragged now, but I had to do work on my game and I could not rest until I accomplished something.
hope you enjoy your new 3DS!
I'm right there with u man, I haven't slept for 24 hours.. feeling a bit ragged now, but I had to do work on my game and I could not rest until I accomplished something.
hope you enjoy your new 3DS!
I like Skyrim, but I haven't finished it yet. I play like two hours a month. They've added up though. IT's just a nice place to hang out in. The combat is kind of blah though.
ha ha, I love Grandia. I don't love the combat system but I love the world and characters and music. It's a nice place to be in. I haven't finished it yet. It needs a remake.
pretty impressive, man. I could use a man cave myself, things are getting a little cramped in here. I don't have as many games though, but I would love to put all my old games like Sega Genesis and stuff up on a shelf, that would be awesome. right now they are in the closet.
wow these all look good. The Swapper is very intriguing, I've been reading about it.
did u ride in a balloon? I did that once. pretty fun.
interesting blog about the cartoon creators. pretty fascinating that you met Tex.
And if they don't have blogs in heaven, what am I going to do all day?!?
like Aaron, I went berzerk in the nineties when emulation hit. I had to have every game ever! I still have a lot of them, but I really don't play them anymore. Some games that's the only way you can play reasonably though.
This is a really good blog!
I couldn't eat for days. :( It involved filming fake doctors demonstrating new medical equipment on cadavers.
I almost got a job selling knives once until I was like "No Way." I've had some really bad ones, including jobs that involved dead bodies. We all have those ups and downs when we're looking for the right one. Keep your chin up, something will come along eventually, I'm sure of it.