Couldn't find what you're referencing but it could be I'm just too tired, Joe. lol. If you mean the "Zex" that's a round about reference to GuiltyGearX and the way the guy in one of the game trailers says it.
Couldn't find what you're referencing but it could be I'm just too tired, Joe. lol. If you mean the "Zex" that's a round about reference to GuiltyGearX and the way the guy in one of the game trailers says it.
I think so too,Joe! Though I'm starting to wonder if there's a point of doing anything other than fluffy teen rated rpgs if people are going to get butt-hurt over more mature themes. Makes me wonder how games like "Silent Hill" "Deadly Premonition" or "Metal Gear 3" were able to see the light of day.
Could be Anniversery. You never know!
PS: Oh,snap! It "is" the new one! I'll side with Joe on this. I understand the complaints but for some asinine dumb reason I "loved" the Tombraider reboot. lol.
Bigger boobs,yes! Oh,I thought you were talking about bigger boobs in Dark Souls 2. Now I'm just disappointed again! (Truthfully I might try Lightning Returns though. Something about it calls out to me. My prediction? I'll love the combat but be utterly confused and nerd raging at everything else!)
Yeah,often times my heroes are "troubled people",Matt. I like to imply despite us having darkness inside ourselves we can still rise above it.
I'm afraid I'll love the combat but be lost and frustrated by the story-line. I miss the days where the FF stories were somewhat complex but still easy enough to understand.
I hope so too,Bro!
I think they charged too much for what essentially is the trailer/short-film version of a whole game. I don't think there's a problem with games being short so long as there are plenty of incentives to replay them but "this" seems like little more than a demo disguised as something greater.
Why not just have us wait longer and tack this on top of the main game thus ensuring Phantom pain will be all the more spectacular? Note to Konami,this is microtransactions done "wrong".
I rather believe they are trolls "in it for the lulz" or generally decent human-beings with personality disorders as opposed to being deluded zealous peons who actually believe the strawman vitriol they spew down in their comments! At least then I can have some hope for humanity.
FF6,aye? Incidentally it's my favorite Final Fantasy too,Blake. High 5! Still need to get Mass Effect 3 before I have an opinion on it. "Loved" Mass Effect 1 & 2 though. I'm kind of the weirdo though. As hard as it is to confess, I enjoyed ME 2 marginally more than ME1 despite the fact the sequel was more "stream-lined". (And whenever there's stream-lining you have the dissenters screaming "dumbed down".)