damn dude, that's a sick set up. you definitely have a lot of class. I wish I had a game room like that.... I never kept all my retro games over the years unfortunately....
damn dude, that's a sick set up. you definitely have a lot of class. I wish I had a game room like that.... I never kept all my retro games over the years unfortunately....
I don't vote AND moan about the government. It's the American thing to do!
I was interested in the HD collections of Zone of the Enders and I didn't see them during that sale.
I've never donated to a Kickstarter, but I would if the right project came along...
I'm too lazy for this, plus I regrettably traded in a bunch of games last year....
like Chris said, it's all about Mecha-Hitler.
I love Clash of the Titans and Sinbad.
Target sells vinyl?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I downloaded the Cave but haven't played it yet. It was free on PSN+. It seems really cool but I need to finish Psychonauts seriously.
Blood Dragon is great. I love it. In fact, I might play it right now....
as I'm thinking of getting back into indie development, I'm considering these things myself. I'm thinking: how can I make a double dragon clone that has its own identity? that learns from the past, but looks toward the future?
Shivering Isles is good. I bought it for my brother for Xmas one year. It's got a lot of gameplay, not like that horse-armor add-on.
yeah they're not bad, but in my old music scene they were exalted. I never got it.