hey, thanks for the compliment. I just kind of communicate better through blogs than other ways, I guess.
hey, thanks for the compliment. I just kind of communicate better through blogs than other ways, I guess.
I try to love all music, but I just can't do ska/ska-punk. I just can't stand it for some reason. I don't know why, it just strikes a nerve in me that is like "Turn that off!" But I appreciate that other people like it and it's such a big scene. There's music for everybody out there, and who can say what's bad or good?
I guess it's like how every girl who lives in New York has a story about being groped on the subway. That sucks.
I second the thought about DQVII. That would be truly awesome.
yeah I sometimes had to backpedal on gaming when I was still dating girls online. It's almost like I had to be ashamed of my hobby. Ridiculous. Most girls just think it's a boy thing though, but it's my hobby and I take it very seriously.
That's funny about the game store employees saying that stuff to you. What dumbasses.
I'm thinking of playing SoTN, which I've never completed to get my Castlevania fix now. I think it's on PSN but I'm not sure.
hope you had a good flight and the kids were okay!
Well, I never knew websites could fly on a plane.
hell, I love Last Remnant. Why not love Duke?