In my case, I've only ever needed one. "Hey baby, do Sinead O'Connor's curtains match her drapes?"
In my case, I've only ever needed one. "Hey baby, do Sinead O'Connor's curtains match her drapes?"
I have never tripped on shrooms, but a guy I knew in high school once saw a leprechaun climbing a ladder in the middle of the road we were on. So rainbows, I guess.
I take it you own a copy of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon? If not, that will also probably answer your question.
The self-described third wave feminist I dated in college was all about equality and had a sense of humor about it; led to a discussion of how I like third wave ska somehow. I'll admit, I don't know the ins and outs of "third/fourth wave feminism," but my experience with the one third-wave feminist I've known was positive.
I'm honestly still wrestling with how I feel about going to college. The loan debt is annoying, but maybe it has opened up more opportunities than I realize. But the loan debt is annoying, as is looking at jobs I could have taken out of high school. I feel your pain there.
I also somewhat feel your pain regarding mental disorders, though doubtfully to the same degree. I have some form of anxiety for sure, and things like depression and bipolar run in my family, but I don't know if it haunts me so much as makes me an awkward turtle person. In other words, I don't do great around people, but that doesn't mean I'd qualify for disability any time soon.
And the comments on that Raychul video are pretty disgusting.
That's good too, I can get a feel for it by scrubbing through in those cases.
Yeah, maybe that's the problem, she just takes bad pictures. lol I've honestly never seen much of her before now, so I was a bit taken aback by that.
It lets me know about recent releases I may not have otherwise, and I like that you focus on one or two stand-out tracks I can listen to, cause while I love music blogs, sometimes people share an overwhelming amount of videos, which I love, but can't always set aside so much time for.
Definitely dig the to-the-point reviews is what I'm saying.
Good luck on the Jan 1st goal!
Yeah, the most recent cartoon I saw of Superman's was Unbound, which is about Braniac. That was pretty decent.
I thought Superman/Batman Apocalypse was kind of awful though, so the cartoons so far for me have been literally 50/50. No offense if you like that one, it just wasn't my thing.
I dunno about recovery, I sorta forgot I was in a city where a lot of people probably can't legally set too much off, and what I was recalling (poorly) was us playing with fireworks on my grandpa's farm in Wisconsin ... not the urban nightlife area of Dallas,TX right near SMU. Anyway, I feel I've been both holding back and not preparing enough for these (and I was trying to tone down my set from last week, which went over ok, which I think was a mistake), so we'll see if third time's the charm next week. I hung out at the bar afer with the other comedians, all of whom pointed out "you can't bomb an open mic, just learn."
Osmonds were a bit before my time, but their Evil Knievel outfits are snazzy.
My old friend's family sees Utah, at least Salt Lake City, as a bit of a nightmare, but they are atheists and the friend himself was gay, so I can easily understand why; I think they'd agree with your statement about Prop 8 is what I'm saying. Not sure I could live there myself with that kind of religious pressure. I mean southern Baptists can be fervent as hell, but I come from a Catholic family, which is a lot more relaxed in many ways. And of course, I've met understanding Baptists, etc.
As for Florida, did you ever listen to the show Loveline when it was Adam Carolla and Doc Drew? They used to play a game called "Germany or Florida," because all the fucked up stories came from those places, it seemed. I think he still does that on his podcast, been a while since I listened, though.
Yeah, the "n word" was a long time ago, so I don't really care as long as she's improved on it; that part is what the deposition is calling into question, and I don't know all the details of that.
I just thought the crazy looking picture of her that kept being reused was funny, so what I was saying in the blog was more a criticism of media portrayal than it was of her, and to be honest, I wasn't thinking about it seriously enough to say I was making a critique of much of anything.