Went in with somewhat low expectations and ... yeah, I actually found most of the acting pretty bland, except for Michael Shannon becoming a rage monster near the end. That was fun. And Amy Adams got better as it went on, but her too-soft voice towards the beginning was eh. And I love Amy Adams usually, so I hope she gets better as the series goes on. At least when she ogled Superman, she didn't bore me to death. Everyone else more or less came off as forgettable to me, though, even Superman.
However, the action scenes were flipping awesome to me, and unlike what I was previously led to believe, the shaky cam was fine, and nowhere even close to Hunger Games levels of irritating. This is genuinely the first use of shaky cam and constant zooming I've liked since Bourne Ultimatum, and I loved the insane fight scenes that went into outerspace and took place in the sky, etc., though you're right, Supes causes a lot of damage when he could probably have gone elsewhere, but insane building destruction is just a thing in superhero movies, I guess.
I really hated that thing about the bus, and Pa Kent's death especially, so I agree with you there.
Anyway, I'm actually glad Snyder made this, cause he's clearly the force behind those action scenes along with SFX, and that was my favorite part. I actually really did enjoy it, but I hope now that this origin is out of the way, they can have more interesting plots and the acting can improve. It is my favorite Supes film to date, at least, and I've seen the first two Donner films ... ok, I actually might like II more, but if so, this is a close second.
Anyway, as a movie, I enjoyed it enough despite a lot of the flaws you mention. As a hype machine for possible Justice League, it got me pumped.
Oh and, I suddenly want to go to IHOP or Sears.