Everyone is pretty much unanimous on Last of Us being awesome. Makes me want a PS3.
Everyone is pretty much unanimous on Last of Us being awesome. Makes me want a PS3.
Ah, don't sweat it, people talk about things outside of gaming (I'm a bad offender) here all the time.
And it seems like just with Snyder's 300, critics are so-so on Man of Steel, audiences love it. I want to see it. Hopefully, I can get it in some time this weekend, that or This is the End.
Yeah, movies need to stop all being three hours long. But as long as it's good, I'm good too, I guess.
Thanks, I hope to do one again soon.
I agree about the forum. It would be a cool option, but not really necessary right this minute.
I've been re-watching as Doug goes along.Been missing those vlogs recently. I think he should have one up tonight (yup, he does). I'm dying waiting for these things. lol
I've heard the same criticisms you have, Doug & Rob were the only ones that mentioned shaky cam. I just kinda brushed off the other complaints as people who don't think this movie lives up to Superman's legacy, but I just want a summer popcorn movie, and it sounds like I'll get that. The shaky cam I'm not too thrilled to hear about, though.
It looked like that RHCP video game was Crazy Taxi, plus extreme sports and the ability to grind the Golden Gate Bridge. I wouldn't mind if that's what an RHCP game was like. lol
I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure the word "cunt" is in there somewhere. I hope you learn them school chillen' good. Cheers.
I've been with Nintendo ... well for the handhelds except 3DS, and N64 and Gamecube, and played on my brother's NES/SNES and Playstations 1 & 2. So I've never owned or had access to an Xbox console, either. Maybe that's why I kind of want one? Still leaning PS4, though.
Yeah, I saw The Fighter when it came out in theaters. I was honestly mostly focused on Christian Bale, though. He's damn good at playing basket cases.
I need to see RHCP before they die or stop touring or I die. Definitely on my need to see list.
And don't worry, the Kinect will find your keys. It is always looking .. out for you.
Yeah, it's always a business, no matter how warm and fuzzy the product makes you feel. But hey, as long as I get what I pay for, I am down with that.
I have Simon in my closet right now. I wonder if it still works. Guess I'll have to find some D batteries to answer that question.
I'm dissatisfied with this ending ... lol