I would not have minded a Legend of Korra fighting game done in the style of those Naruto ones I see Game Grumps playing one bit. These twitter statements are appalingly ignorant and I for one think female protagonists can easily be interesting (my love of the Avatar series is proof).
However, this is a business and so jgusw has a point in that the type of games the 45% are playing will be a large determining factor in what boxes female characters do or do not appear on. Of course, there is always the potential for interesting switcheroos a la Metroid, or for someone to pull a Jackie Robinson with female gamers, introducing an awesome game with a great female protagonist that sells unexpectedly well. But if there's a type of game that undersells to adult women, I can't blame a business for not pursuing that demographic as ardently.
Personally, I would suspect things like JRPGs would have a much larger share of that 45% than things like FPS would. If I'm wrong though, it would be a welcome change to see primary female protagonists in FPS, and if I'm right, it would be a welcome change to see more primary female protagonists in JRPGs for both consumers and publishers.