Posted on 05/30/2013 at 07:40 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
That makes sense and isn't really all that scary intrusive though to be honest. You kind of figure when you use a company's network servers, they know where you go. Which is why I feel very bad for college campuses ... so much unwanted porn.
Well, except the part where they take people playing online a lot to mean that's all anyone wants. Even if that were true, it just doesn't appeal to me.
But hey, that just gives me an opportunity to play nothing but single player so I can skew the numbers. lol So I'm not that concerned about trophy data, but what the camera and mic on that required Kinect can pick up would have me a bit more worried, so glad you can turn it off, and if that fails, unplug it. If I buy one, ever, I mean.