I haven't played it. Still don't have internet unfortunately.
I haven't played it. Still don't have internet unfortunately.
I recently got into Neil Gaiman's novels. Well "Novels". I got a short story collection and another book that are both pretty decent. He's just awesome in general though.
Still can't get into Borderlands man. Just can't. Sorry for the lameass comment but I thought I should comment on something haha.
I've been using Destructoid for a little while and it's fun, but there are more assholes there than here. It's mostly a good community but it has a decent amount of users so you're going to run into that. Also, IGN has a decent blogging community. If you're looking. I've started posting my blogs to multiple places just in case something happens to this site. I really hope it doesn't though.
Yeah but the sad thing is that it's not just me. It's everyone. There aren't as many people blogging or commenting and it's disheartening because I fucking love this place. If it keeps dwindling I might have to find somewhere else entirely.
Yeah that's how I got into hip hop really. THPS and it's sequels introduced me to NAS, Redman, El-P, Jurassic 5, Diverse, and many, many others. I'm seriously looking forward to the new Tony Hawk game this year. Even if it sucks the soundtrack should be amazing.
Yep pretty much. The second half is pitifully easy though up until the last boss. The first area is the hardest in the game, and once you get past Amelia, the game becomes a fucking cakewalk.
I still haven't picked this up. I've been a fan of Wilson since high school when I got into Porcupine, which lead me to getting into Opeth and Orphaned Land (which he produced). In fact, I'd say he was responsible for me getting into metal. I've heard good things about that album too.
Thanks. It pisses me off so much. I know the irony of being offended by the easily offended, but people are just fucking looking for shit to cry about.