Ooooh. Ok. I thought Shakes was a book. lol
Ooooh. Ok. I thought Shakes was a book. lol
Oblivion I'll have to catch on DVD, it did look pretty good, but I am stoked to see Into Darkness, although apparently once again the plot is a bit nonsensical, and it retreads certain things from the first from what I've heard. But, hey, I loved 09 Trek, and the trailers look AWESOME, so I'm sure I'll love it.
Not owning any current gen systems means I'm immune to online pass, but this is good news, nonetheless for going forward. Even if like you, I'm currently wondering what dumb DLC type practice they'll try to replace it with.
Hey, if you don't want to play a game, sell it. No sense not making a few bucks off something if you're not gonn play it. I'm just doing my backloggery (JOSTEPH) thing cause I don't see myself selling my games, so may as well get all I can out of them.
Yeah, while I've never played SC:V nor own a current generation console, I do play games single player most often, and while I appreciate good online play (or I'm guessing I would, anyway), I need to have a core there that doesn't require internet if I'm going to play a game.
I am basically using mine to get the most out of my currently owned games by beating or completing them. I might also start using it as a way of telling me where I'm supposed to go for when I come back to a game, which I always have trouble with, using the dialogue box.
Well, my favorite character is in the stage they showed in the trailer, so I guess I'm waiting for him to return. lol This is awesome news.
Whenever someone defends this game, ask them the question, "But does Saints Row 3 allow you to staple your testicles to a minor?"
And if the answer is no, well that just proves how limted this game is in scope.
And you uploaded a video of yourself once, too, I thought. But if you're ever out of blog ideas, it's certainly an easy one.