I have about 8 GB left on my memory card, but with the awesome looking sale that is starting today, I should probably kiss that space goodbye.
I have about 8 GB left on my memory card, but with the awesome looking sale that is starting today, I should probably kiss that space goodbye.
Which is why I think this list will be good for me. I like Bungie, but that is probably because I have known their work from the beginning. I have no problem with Destiny not being on this massive list, I want to know of other games to be excited for this year.
If I am lucky, I will put more time into it than I did with Shadowrun Returns. I don't even think I left the house that you start in with that game.
They need to fix the memory card pricing issue and then I think it will be a no brainer to go all digital for the Vita. I only own 3 physical games for the Vita because Sony keeps adding games free to PS+ and discounting the rest of them to must buy prices.
This will actually be a good series for me. I have very little idea of what is really coming out this year outside of Destiny, The Order, inFamous and The Witcher. I need more games to be excited for.
Could have been worse... at least there werent super embarrasing pictures plastered all over that syllabus.
I would have to agree, spring tends to be my most productive time of the year when it comes to finishing games. December is definitely the least productive month. I only finished 2 games this past December, and I barely finished them by the end of the month.
I played through Mass Effect at least 3 times in the same period, but I think that I just finished Mass Effect twice.
Holy crap man... Those Vita sales are frickin awesome. There goes what little memory card space I have left for the Vita.
That is another reason that I set it down. I am a controller man. I hope to build a PC or something to play my massive collection of PC games on my television.