It seems like a very low key fantasy, but that's fine because it can be done very well.
I haven't played Brothers, but i've seen the camera angles that the game uses and I think that would fit the game.
Going to give it a like then.
It seems like a very low key fantasy, but that's fine because it can be done very well.
I haven't played Brothers, but i've seen the camera angles that the game uses and I think that would fit the game.
Going to give it a like then.
Can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy. Looks like a very fun film.
Stjepan Sejic is very popular around Deviantart, both for his comic work and also for his bondage comic Sunstone, which is appearently great, but i'm not too eager to get a Deviantart account just for that..... yet.
I don't care about Gaga that much and I need to get into The Muppets, so i'm just here left stranded.
Wasteland 2 has been in PC since early this year though. Then again, you must mean the complete release because the game is in beta on Steam and you buy it while it's being developed and improved (you can even participate yourself).
This kind of games are grabbing my attention. Hopefully I can have my first piece of it once Hyrule Warriors comes out and/or get Dynasty Warriors 8, which got recently released on Steam.
I would probably go for the lowest pack, but I already have Thief and i'm not sure if I want one of the most infamous games in excistence. The higher pack also looks fine, but I already own Deus Ex.
I think I also don't want to spend too much on my credit card (already did that a lot in June and this month).
It's a bit overwhelming seeing Link and Darunia as the only males so far (maybe also Shiek depending on which side of the fence you are) in Hyrule Warriors and seeing that 98% of the announced cast is female..... though i'm not complaining and I find that much apreciated :P
Hopefully you can apreciate more the game in the end, because this is my second favorite game of all time, only behind the two Super Mario Galaxy. I felt like I was in a big adventure, it had an interesting story and I liked to explore the world (even if it wasn't very varied) and in the end, the atmosphere fitted the game and tone. Midna gets a lot better as you progress to the game, though I won't spoil you her development.
I didn't have much problems with the Wii version. I'm used to the motion controls and as far as I know, the graphics look less moody than in the Gamecube.
Nice Dio reference.
I've been also interested in Darksiders ever since it was released. I think I should go and put the first game on my Steam wishlist.