Well, yeah, but technically, aren't all birds considered thugs in the fish world? Oh well, in the words of Kurt Cobain, "it's ok to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings." Pretty sure there are some marine biologists that think otherwise, but what do they know when matched against a grunge rocker, really? Joking aside, I know what you mean. Damn eagles.
You've got an awesome and interesting job though; having a job outdoors certainly seems to have it's perks. Sorry you got sick, but glad you got over whatever it was.
Anyway, the Osprey video was very cool, I love those large birds and the way they swoop down to catch prey.
And last I checked, work and life are a lot more important than blogging, so I think you're forgiven a short absence. And can't wait to hear the secret news. Everything I do is under NDA until the videos go live, so I know how that is. I really want the first thing I worked on at least to go live, so that way I have a video for my StaffMeUp profile, and don't have to rely on my college work.
Have a great day!