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Super Step's Comments - Page 1388

Sorry guys

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 04:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, yeah, but technically, aren't all birds considered thugs in the fish world? Oh well, in the words of Kurt Cobain, "it's ok to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings." Pretty sure there are some marine biologists that think otherwise, but what do they know when matched against a grunge rocker, really? Joking aside, I know what you mean. Damn eagles.

You've got an awesome and interesting job though; having a job outdoors certainly seems to have it's perks. Sorry you got sick, but glad you got over whatever it was.

Anyway, the Osprey video was very cool, I love those large birds and the way they swoop down to catch prey.

And last I checked, work and life are a lot more important than blogging, so I think you're forgiven a short absence. And can't wait to hear the secret news. Everything I do is under NDA until the videos go live, so I know how that is. I really want the first thing I worked on at least to go live, so that way I have a video for my StaffMeUp profile, and don't have to rely on my college work.

Have a great day!

GLaD 17: Celebrating an Italian on St. Paddy's (Sabbath Sunday+Solar Srtiker)

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 03:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sounds like a fun guy, cool that you got a signed copy.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 03:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I've only seen the Nostalgia Critic review, but it looks... unpleasant.

Earthbound - ... the Sum of its Parts

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm glad they did too, Paper Mario is about the only RPG I can remember playing and enjoying completely of my own accord and preferences, and actually wanted to beat. Never did, and never owned it, but I have the strategy guide here somewhere, simply because I wanted to read it. I liked its world, characters, and story tha much, and really appreciated that they continued applying action/platformer elements to the combat in that series.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

As the almighty Beebs would say if he were here, "never say never."

Oh, you don't like Bieber?

Try telling him no, mawfucka, he gangsta!

Jokes and the process involved in finding that picture making me feel like a subhuman aside, I agree.

I loved Ebert's take on almost anything else, especially this time he was apparently with Sid Vicious in a cab, and discovered Vicious had to shave his underwear off cause it hadn't been cleaned in so long; but I did have this feeling of "just lay off it old man," when it came to his take on videogames. And saying that, I'd even have to agree that I can't say I've played a game and seen it as art, but that really has no effect on whether other people can see it that way, or if the medium can evolve to bring more experiences generally agreed upon as being artful.

I never hated him for it, I just thought, "this is kind of a waste of everyone's time, and I hope you go back to doing what you love soon." I think at one point, he made some sort of half-hearted apology about the whole thing. Oh well, his writing was good, even if I didn't necessarily think all of his arguments were.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can't say I'm all that passionate about games as art, since I don't know I've ever had a transcendent experience playing one exactly, except to say every definition we have for art is as best "arguably" subjective, so the shitstorm on both sides was unwarranted.

If you had a spiritual awakening playing Okami or Shadow of the Colossus, it's no less valid than any similar feelings I had watching Garden State at fourteen, or Cinderella Man at sixteen. Behind all the back-and-forths involving the biggest and most intellectual sounding words, as well as the most vile and uneducated slurs; this is where I think Ebert's criticisms of the medium can start seeming more valid than they really are, and the internet didn't help gamers look too intelligent during that time, I admit; is an argument that at its core, is really just kind of silly, and became irrelevant the minute Jackson Pollock started "painting" by throwing shit at a canvas.

That being said, I loved Ebert as a film critic; even when I disagreed, I thought his writing had a great dry wit to it, and I could always see where he was coming from at least, even if I enjoyed the hell out of Hit Girl, and don't care one bit about his moral crusade against Kick-Ass, which is still my favorite movie from 2010.

But this video wasn't a hit piece, I voiced my respect for the man in the blog I wrote before this; this was just something I found amusing, and seemed to fit as a tribute to the duo as far as this being a gaming website. I admit, I'm laughing at them in the second video, but not in a cruel way; just in the same way I'd laugh if a wise old movie loving grandpa of any stripe flailed about trying to play Sega. I'm laughing with them in the first video, and I genuinely found them both charming and funny.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I vaguely remember the ending from childhood, I've had the "it's so bad" scene pounded into my brain by the internet as an adult.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 12:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I dunno. Looking at that profile pic of yours makes me question if I have enough lotion, baskets, or skin for this relationship....

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 12:30 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It was pretty boring, but it had its moments. I wouldn't say terrible, but definitely one of his lesser movies. I thought the schooner bit and the Superman sex conversation were alright.

Reviews Blog and Action April

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 11:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That Serious Sam game sounds pretty good. I could use some self aware Contra in my life. Also, super guns.

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