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Super Step's Comments - Page 1388

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can't say I'm all that passionate about games as art, since I don't know I've ever had a transcendent experience playing one exactly, except to say every definition we have for art is as best "arguably" subjective, so the shitstorm on both sides was unwarranted.

If you had a spiritual awakening playing Okami or Shadow of the Colossus, it's no less valid than any similar feelings I had watching Garden State at fourteen, or Cinderella Man at sixteen. Behind all the back-and-forths involving the biggest and most intellectual sounding words, as well as the most vile and uneducated slurs; this is where I think Ebert's criticisms of the medium can start seeming more valid than they really are, and the internet didn't help gamers look too intelligent during that time, I admit; is an argument that at its core, is really just kind of silly, and became irrelevant the minute Jackson Pollock started "painting" by throwing shit at a canvas.

That being said, I loved Ebert as a film critic; even when I disagreed, I thought his writing had a great dry wit to it, and I could always see where he was coming from at least, even if I enjoyed the hell out of Hit Girl, and don't care one bit about his moral crusade against Kick-Ass, which is still my favorite movie from 2010.

But this video wasn't a hit piece, I voiced my respect for the man in the blog I wrote before this; this was just something I found amusing, and seemed to fit as a tribute to the duo as far as this being a gaming website. I admit, I'm laughing at them in the second video, but not in a cruel way; just in the same way I'd laugh if a wise old movie loving grandpa of any stripe flailed about trying to play Sega. I'm laughing with them in the first video, and I genuinely found them both charming and funny.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I vaguely remember the ending from childhood, I've had the "it's so bad" scene pounded into my brain by the internet as an adult.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 12:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I dunno. Looking at that profile pic of yours makes me question if I have enough lotion, baskets, or skin for this relationship....

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 12:30 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It was pretty boring, but it had its moments. I wouldn't say terrible, but definitely one of his lesser movies. I thought the schooner bit and the Superman sex conversation were alright.

Reviews Blog and Action April

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 11:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That Serious Sam game sounds pretty good. I could use some self aware Contra in my life. Also, super guns.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 11:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't really given that much thought. It isn't Mario or Sonic, though I do love their games. It's not Sub Zero or James McCloud, though I did think they were extremely cool. It's not Snake or Raiden, though those are the most three dimensional characters I can think of off the top of my head....

Y'know, I think it might be Sly Cooper. I don't know if once I looked into it more, I'd still feel that way, but I think he is the best video game character for my personal taste. Dry wit, good design, fun/inventive video game series, chases after a sexy fox, has an interesting moral code, agile. If it's not him, he's certainly up there.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 11:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Gamecube. First one I paid for myself (mostly, there's a story worth a blog in there), hyped the hell out of it to anyone who'd listen, along with a group of friends, and got really vocal and involved in the console wars partly cause of Nintendo bias, partly cause it was the cheapest, and I knew I'd have to pay for it mostly myself. That also meant being even more of a human female repellent, but oh well, all in the past.

It came out around the time I discovered EGM and would look in local stores every month for the new edition, until finally subscribing. There was a time they included demo discs in the mags for retail copies, but not subscriptions, which irked me. But I was intensely focused on their coverage of the "war" between GCN and XBOX.

N64 is a close second, as it was the first console given to me, and I'd be lying if I wasn't jealous on the library of my older brother's PS2, and think overall it was the best system that generation, but the point is the Gamecube was mine, and more importantly the console I have the most and clearest nostalgic memories attached to.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 08:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Actually, my friend Will, who has much more uh ... refined tastes in movies than I do, let's say, didn't like the Best Picture one at all, but loves the Cronenberg one. I was talking about the Oscar winner though, never seen the Cronenberg one, though I will if the opportunity strikes.

As for Cinderella Man, you're right, it doesn't stray too far from conventions, but its delivery is what I love about it, and the fact my family was going through a financial hurdle at the time didn't hurt. That one won Best Picture too, y'know!

As for Chasing Amy, it's generally regarded as his watermark, aside from Clerks, because it's the most dramatic of his movies, and tends to let its story and characters breathe, as opposed to being just a joke vehicle. That said, it's also a joke vehicle, and I find it hilarious, but it says a lot of things that match up in my personal relationships.

Did you get to the part where the militant black comic book guy pretends to lose his shit? That part sent my friend Austin into hysterics.

Episode 20: Ten

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 07:54 PM | Filed Under Feature

Oh... I'm... sorry you had to experience that. Cry

If it's any consolation, Linkara (internet reviewer guy) does a Power Rangers retrospective. If you Google it, you may learn some interesting facts. Let me know if you need anything else, I'm here for you. Anything at all.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/05/2013 at 07:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I tried searching for "Your Point is Invalid" demotivational posters of the kangaroo or panda in Tekken, but didn't find anything. This will have to do.

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