Ironically, the Everclear is the favorite song of mine of these three. lol
Ironically, the Everclear is the favorite song of mine of these three. lol
I'd venture to say he was much more of a household name in the 90s over here as well, while Siskel was still alive, but he was always well-respected. And yup, it rains, it pours, although everything should hopefully work out, so can't complain too much.
That was the first thing I tried. We had an NES and SNES growing up, I know the drill. I wouldn't post a blog about it if I hadn't already done that. lol
I really need to get a PS3 and the HD Collection, so I can play through 3 then 4, and replay 1 and 2 when I have the cash. This may be an unpopular opinion, but of the ones I've played (some of 1, which I mostly watched my brother play, all of Twin Snakes and 2), MGS2 is my favorite, partly cause it was the first I played through on my own, partly cause I thought the cutscenes were well done, even if the ending left a few head scratchers when I played it.
ALMOST FORGOT: I calculated that my Virgin Mobile plan actually is cheaper for my use, but if you have or are planning to but a Sprint phone, go to
It's a $25 off promotion from sxephil on Youtube for a phone service that charges you based only on what you use. I can't use it, but some of you might save some cash by going there.
I feel for the multitudes of people that got laid off. I actually first heard the news on sxephil's channel on Youtube yesterday, which seems like an odd place to find out. Well, I guess he does talk about video games.
I think "Roundabout" was such a go to for me when I DJ'd I got a bit tired of it, but it is a good song. Actually, I find it best on cloudy/rainy days.
I dig old punk rock shows; so much energy.
Actually, right now it's 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and cloudy, yesterday it was raining and I could see my breath on my run. During summer, I know all about heat, but mostly I know all about how the weather is made up and the seasons don't matter, as per that Drew Carrey meme. lol
And I should have noticed the V in place of S, but the rest of it looks so similar. If I'm ever in Singapore, I'll be on the lookout for stuff like that.
Did not know that. I remember when I worked at Boston Market, Sunday was our busiest, and therefore my worst, day of the week. I feel you.
Does anyone else see the Post button in this comment, or am I crazy? After I clicked it, blog title changed from "[Draft]" to "Insert Witty Title Here"...
Anyway, cute kid.