I probably should have put it in a plastic case... the room it was in wasn't exactly well-kempt...
I probably should have put it in a plastic case... the room it was in wasn't exactly well-kempt...
Thanks! Might call later today, after I fire off my resume a few times!
Coolseltzer. Coolseltzer is not pulling his weight ... well, pulling it in the opposite direction, anyway. lol
Vote for it mang! Looking like it needs your help. lol
That sucks; my N64 has been a bit weird lately. Hope you find what you need!
I liked it too, but c'mon, it has sequels already. Also, I liked Darkness more. lol
Hadn't thought of that, thanks! I'll troubleshoot with that in mind tomorrow.
I wonder how much more space between calls from my freelance job needs to exist before I qualify for unemployment .. maybe I already do. Why does the best job I've ever had need to be the most erratic?
I'd love to play Kirby's Epic Yarn and Guilty Gear XX, two of my favorite franchises, and that's a great deal and a great number (33) you got on those games!
I only ever played Pokemon Blue, and it's one of the only JRPGs I actually like, which reminds me I still haven't found it...
You mean well into the thirties as in Celsius, right? Cause that sounds extremely cold to this Fahrenheit using Texan. lol In any case, hope you find a great place to settle in your new great place, and all the stuff arrives in top shape!
I really want a 3DS, and I'd love to play some old PS1 games on the Vita myself, but alas, not much I can do with such an erratic job (I'm a freelancer, so I've been looking for more gigs when the main emplyer's not calling) and loan debt. Gaming will have to wait.
But wait, Mario is on a PSP game?! This... official? I mean, Sonic being on Nintendos was interesting, but they had no Segas to put him on; I'm rather surprised Nintendo would license out Mario to a Sony platform.
Great blog!