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Casey Curran's Comments - Page 15

Cary's Best Games of 2018 SO FAR Awards Show!

Posted on 07/10/2018 at 11:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

My favorite game this year so far is probably Celeste. Really fun platformer with a surprisingly interesting story. Not sure how you'd like it though, it's Super Meat Boy levels of challenging.

Kirby was fun, but nothing really that special. Detective Pikachu looks fun, I have it but still need to play it. My GOTY list will probably look a lot better in September when Spider-Man, Tomb Raider, and Spyro hit. Until then the only thing I want to pick up is the Mega Man X Collection.

Have a blog

Posted on 06/28/2018 at 11:18 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I actually think Elizabeth could have been responsible for the glitch. Obviously she wouldn't have wanted it to react the way it did, but she seemed very anti-war and I could see her putting it in to steer humanity away from militarized robots. Maybe I'm just thinking that because I love the idea that the end came from a lack of foresight rather than malice.

As for Faro, I just think it's too convenient there wasn't a body found and feel he'll either be in stasis or have his mind uploaded onto a computer for a sequel. And if that's the direction they go in, they have to have some kind of twist when you meet him, like Apollo contained information about the glitch he didn't want passed down. It's all speculation, just feel that's where Guerilla's going.

Have a blog

Posted on 06/27/2018 at 12:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think there's definitely room for Horizon to improve on for a sequel, possibly even taking a few inspirational cues from BotW. And the world itself is fascinating, Faro had all the pieces in place to ensure humanity really was fucked with no way to fight back. I think there's a lot of potential in things like where the glitch originated from, what happened to Faro, what information was in Apollo that scared Faro, and why Sylens is after Apollo (you know that's why he teamed up with Hades).

Have a blog

Posted on 06/26/2018 at 11:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Horizon was fine IMO, but I got bored with the gameplay about halfway through. Was the progression and difficulty curve like you said, and the times I was challenged it felt more annoying than fun. Combat just felt like it didn't mesh in a massive open world game. Fortunately the story picked up at that point and I was a huge fan of the backstory. Not Mass Effect obsessed, but I liked the reason why everything is the way it is.

Resident Evil 2 was my favorite game of E3, for your reasons as well as that I think it being a remake means they'll trim some fat or keep themselves from adding weird additions to it, like 4-6's QTE's or cramming in RPG elements. Another E3 game I'm looking forward to is Control. Quantic Break as a Metroidvania without the TV show? Yes please!

Cary's Re-Return to E3

Posted on 06/23/2018 at 06:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Final Fight is prpprobamy least favorite of the good beat em ups. Prefer Streets of Rage and Konami's games. The Street Fighter one would probably interest me most

Cary's Re-Return to E3

Posted on 06/22/2018 at 05:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Those cabinets look awesome. Hope they do well. Just don't see one with games I'd be willing to shell out for. Makes me sad that the one I would pay $400 for would be a Konami beat em up one, which seems like it would be impossible to deal with all the licensing fees and Konami.

E3 2018 Favorites

Posted on 06/19/2018 at 08:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't remember that one but when someone asked him what if you couldn't connect to the internet, such as our armed forces, he answered they should just buy a 360.

E3 2018 Favorites

Posted on 06/19/2018 at 02:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

My E3 favorites were covered in my blog. Sable actually is exclusive right now, and I think Tunic was also. There was also Battletoads, Gears Tactics, Forza, Ori, Session, Crackdown and I think they counted DLC as exclusive too. Not too shabby exclusives but Sony and Nintendo went quality over quantity and think their games will stick with me longer. Still, for the first time since 2013 I saw a good variety of fun exclusives from MS and unlike 2013 Don Mattrick wasn't being an idiot.

My Top 5 and Bottom 2 of E3

Posted on 06/18/2018 at 11:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh I'd take Ubisoft over Activision, EA, or WB any day. They're far from perfect, but they allow their devs to take chances more often (not perfectly, the the Ubi formula is criticized for a reason, but there's always a bunch of stuff that ruffles feathers in a good way) and make a wider variety of games. I think it's really telling that Nintendo trusted them with a Mario game more than anything.

Not to mention Ubi hasn't even done anything loot box related, let alone reward people for opening them on Normandy Beach. That disgusted me more than anything EA has done.

What the Hell, Sony. Stop being a bunch of jerks!

Posted on 06/18/2018 at 11:10 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Well if you're factoring in resale, that also means there's a lot of people who are getting rid of their Vitas, which doesn't factor in well for its popularity. The thing was very far from popular no matter how good the tech was.

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