I just thought it was too adorable, the last harvest moon game CE came with a Cow and sadly I had to miss out on it.
I just thought it was too adorable, the last harvest moon game CE came with a Cow and sadly I had to miss out on it.
Their new Harvest Moon game HM:The Lost Valley, my bf is trying to convince me to cancel and go get Fantasy Life,lol.
Yup.....Im spending close to 200 on it too,lol! Im getting the PS4 verison, im excited!
Dude I think I go enough for the both of us O_O
I want the Hellboy comic. Ive seen them at the comic store but Im waiting to see a collection of them in the form of a graphical novel. There prolly is one, Im just not looking hard enough,lol! that looks awesome!
Actually in a lil bit of way yes but then no. i dont wanna spoil it thou!
Lone survivor I enjoyed on my vita. I kind of got fustrated with it and became lost the last part I played. I didnt play any horror games which if I hadnt of had work I would have but I did play Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove on my 3DS. While its not scarey its a cute Halloween themed rhythm game. Happy late Halloween!
I didnt get to dress up this year. Since I started this job im at in June I decided to follow my rule and not ask Halloween off. I normally would since its my fave holiday. However I have has this rule about not asking off for it if I recently started a new job. Next year though I will be thou. Im gonna get my weightloss plan in gear and be ready for next year.
I played the first Siren and I dont remember it being that scarey, maybe since I survived Kuon I figured it couldnt get any worse,lol. I played Kuon first before the original first Siren game even though it released first before Kuon. Kuon.....omgee...my nightmare filled horror that I dont think I ever wanna play again.