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Super Step's Comments - Page 1401

GLaD 31: Uniracers & Spring Cleaning Easter Eggs!

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 06:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Fifth picture from top, on the top left, just above the Carmen Sandiego Travel Kit.

Look what I got for 3 bucks from Best Buy!

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 03:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Same here. They look like fun though, and sounds like a great deal.


Posted on 04/01/2013 at 02:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Smartcelt had the Eye's Leaves posted in one of his blogs as well. I liked the Korpillani, whether it was cheesy or not (couldn't really make out all the words, but I liked the melody), and of course you can't leave Amon Amarth out! I will now go forth and metal ... or drink and pillage, but metal will be in there somewhere.

Bioshock Infinite (spoiler free)

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 02:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm glad you are infinitely grateful for us and this game. Cool


Posted on 04/01/2013 at 02:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That was it.

GLaD 31: Uniracers & Spring Cleaning Easter Eggs!

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 01:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I wonder how many people have that stand. My older brother took the NES, SNES, and his Playstations, and may or may not have sold them, but the stand still stands! lol

GLaD 31: Uniracers & Spring Cleaning Easter Eggs!

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 01:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I'm just gald there wasn't a slime monster that formed and jumped out at me.

GLaD 31: Uniracers & Spring Cleaning Easter Eggs!

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 01:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It really is under appreciated.

Olympus Has Fallen: 'Murrca and CGI

Posted on 04/01/2013 at 01:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Apparently, you didn't miss much as far as Die Hard V from what I've heard. Honestly, you won't miss much with this one either, unless you're in the mood for it; it's good for what it is, but it's probably just as good as a rental. I only went to this cause my dad wanted to, otherwise I saw a TON of movies from 2012 (I count Zero Dark Thirty in that cause it was released in December 2012 limited, though I could only see it in January 2013) but not much this year. Hell, I'm still trying to see more from last year, gonna rent Cloud Atlas soon and Seven Psychopaths was awesome if you've got a Redbox near you. Movies don't really start kicking into high quality gear until summer, typically, so my rate of moviegoing increases by then, but the first part of the year has always been a bit of a dumping ground.


Posted on 04/01/2013 at 01:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I definitely feel you on not being close enough to people. All my friends are either still at my Alma Mater, three hours away, working too often to see me very often at all, or off studying some other place far away. Y'know, I thought I wanted to get out of the college scene after graduating, and I like my job, but even that's fourty minutes away from me, as are most of the people working there; if I don't start getting called in a lot more often soon, and maybe even if that happens, I think it's time to go back.

I hope things start looking up for you soon, as well.

Video's good, I think I've seen that game a few times; either that, or a fighter that looked just like it Seanbaby played at some point. I disagree with calling "shit game" a subgenre though. Wink Nah I'm kidding, been so long since I played a new, mainstream one thanks to all my gaming tech being behind the times, I wouldn't know much either way.

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