Yeah but there popcorn is so... not good, but it's part of the experience, you know? I might start sneaking things in now though.
Yeah but there popcorn is so... not good, but it's part of the experience, you know? I might start sneaking things in now though.
I'm with ya there. I rarely go to the movies. It was Valentines Day though and Bilby and I made a pact to see the least romantic thing possible together a while back.
I agree. Winter Soldier is their best superhero film. I prefer Guardians slightly though. Mainly because SPACE OPERA!!!!
Primer was fucking excellent. Man, I need to watch that again. Have you seen the director's latest flick Upstream Color? I have it, but I haven't watched it yet. It's supposed to be great.
I've never been in the snow, nor have I worn snow shoes. Sounds difficult.
But you can do it. Take those snowshoes and kick the race's butt with it!
Wait. You speak Norwegian? I never knew this. That's awesome!
Saying I don't need to comment on all of them sounds like a challenge!
Fuck yeah QOTSA. Love this song. Sucks you're not feeling well though. Get better soon!
Risen 2 is godawful. 1 is amazing, and 3 is also supposed to be pretty damn great.
Firstly: Sorry. I'm just used to dealing with idiots who attack people or opinions without even reading/watching. It's the internet, people are cunts :p
And no, he probably didn't do heaps of fact checking, but his argument was more one of logic. I don't think you know history to know something is a threat now. As he said, when this ammendment was made, we didn't have assault rifles. More importantly, we didn't have modern civilisation. People owned guns because they needed them to hunt food and protect their crops from animals.
We don't hunt our food now. Most of us aren't farmers. As far as I'm concerned the only people who should have guns are farmers and police officers. If you want to do hunting for sport, fine, own a rifle. Not a shotgun. Not magnum. You want to protect your home, use a low callibre gun. That way if you miss you're not going to kill your next door neighbour. And if you want to shoot these weapons at a range, keep them their in a locker.
I'm not against ownership of guns. I'm against people being stupid with them. Yeah sure, own a gun. That's your right. But maybe be sensible about it and don't own something that can rip a dude in half.
Why do you need to kill someone to protect your family? You can maim or injure them. You don't have to kill them.