My year has been a little different. It seems to have been bookend with newer stuff. I finished up last years big releases early 2013 and then moved into the older stuff and am now playing newer stuff like CoD and A Link Between Worlds.
My year has been a little different. It seems to have been bookend with newer stuff. I finished up last years big releases early 2013 and then moved into the older stuff and am now playing newer stuff like CoD and A Link Between Worlds.
If I still had a PS3 I would have grabbed that game as well. I could always use another copy of MGS3. I already have 3 for the PS2 and one for the 360. I could always use another copy on the PS3 and Vita.
If I played a lot more jRPGs that productivity would drop significantly. Those are the types of games that I enjoy, but rarely finish. Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are the only two that I know for a fact that I have finished.
Those positives seem pretty darn good.
These people sicken me. I hope that their comeuppance is swift and sweet.
I never picked this up when it came out. I may get it now just to tide me over until infamous: second son comes out.
I am going to download this one soon. Sounds awesome.
Yes, welcome. I don't know what else to say at this point.
I wish that I could help more. The only games that come to mind are the Banjo Kazooie games, Burnout games, Lego games, and maybe Torchlight.
The Witcher 2 is one of the best RPGs of the generation. That is all.