Well, I know what game I'll be hooking up my Gamecube to play soon! Thanks for sharing the link!
Edit: Son of a bitch though, I need a Gameshark for it, apparently.
Well, I know what game I'll be hooking up my Gamecube to play soon! Thanks for sharing the link!
Edit: Son of a bitch though, I need a Gameshark for it, apparently.
Yup. I wonder how the movie will turn out, myself. Looks promising so far.
Sounds like a nice day. I loved the HP books, liked the movies, but never played any of the games.
When you said the developers of Sly Cooper developed Robot, I got curious, since Sly is one of my favorites, and found some TAS footage. Looks like there's a minigame where you feed the presidents of Mt. Rushmore. Seems like a decent platformer with that Sucker Punch charm, might be interesting to see where they started.
Yeah, having new games to sell locked in a cupboard is a pretty stupid strategy ...
Luigi, got it. lol I think, anyway.
I wonder what games I should play, being a horse on the zodiac. Probably MGS3, since it's the only MGS title outside of 4 I never played.
I think you'll enjoy MGS once you play. Look forward to your RE stuff.
Well, that's how I pronounced it in this blog, so I'm giving myself a gold star. lol
"The Howling" always comes on Song Pop when I play. I quite like it. There's actually been a few bands to play with a symphony (apparently, even Hoobastank did at some point), but I'm not sure how many metal bands, though I feel like Nightwish would have had to have done this at some point, right?
Either way, liked hearing "The Howling" with a symphony, and loved being introduced to "Forgiven." Very nice song. I need to collect all the soft songs metal bands have done, I'm not sure there's one I don't like.
It's a damn good game, if you don't mind (or even enjoy) cartoony humor and characters with some arcadey snowboarding gameplay.
I don't really care too much for decision making if the decisions I make can lead to a bad ending; otherwise, I'm mostly ok with them.