Yes, do forgo getting the strategy guide. It just gives you more of a reason to come back and play the game again and again and again.
Yes, do forgo getting the strategy guide. It just gives you more of a reason to come back and play the game again and again and again.
I was actually wondering why my name was not on the package.
Yeah, I took a break from Etrian Odyssey Untold a while back. I feel a little bad about that, but it is the type of game that seems built for setting down for semi-extended periods of time.
The new Zelda is awesome, especially if you are a big fan of A Link to the Past. Since ALttP is my favourite Zelda game I am having a complete blast. I only have two dungeons to go.
I am going to have to pass on this game. I was super interested in it when they anounced it and followed it up until its release. I played the demo, but just wasn't feeling it so I never picked it up.
Well, that is awesome that you were able to find a copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy. I did notice that the copies that Gamestop were allegedly selling as USED did not have the steelbook case. It makes me wonder how 'used' they actually were.
I have been craving Mario, and since I will not be getting a Wii U anytime soon I expect that I will probably get 3D Land at some point in the very near future.
I have been playing Dragon's Crown on and off for the past month or so. I think that it is pretty darn good. Now that I have played it I am surprised by the controversy. It is not just the one character that is exagerated, it is all of them.
I have fond memries of playing Gears of War cooperatively with my brother. We finished the first and second game, but never got around to the rest of them.
The Vita is an amazing peice of technology in my eyes. Now that I can play my PS4 games on it, it is even better.
I remember playing PuzzleCraft back when you had to buy it. It was a great time sink. I wasted so much time playing that game.
I like the sense of accomplishment that comes with finishing a game, or beating a particularly nasty boss. I like the interactive nature of the medium. I like being able to enjoy a story and have a hand in how it may unfold. I like using more than one part of my brain when consuming media. Books do a far better job of this than movies because you need to paint the picture of the story yourself.
I also like videogames because they are a way that some of us sepnd time with other people. I am not talking about online multiplayer, but the local stuff. My brothers and I would get together regularly to play Halo. Yeah, you can get together and watch a movie, but movies tend to be a "Shut The Hell Up" affair. No need to shut up when you need teamwork to decimate the oppsing team.
I am starting to ramble I think.
This is definitely a topic to come back to in a year. I think that I have made the correct decision when I decided to go with the PS4, but we will see once the exclusives start coming out.