The Jungle Book and Legend of Tarzan are the ones I will be looking for...except we have no theater in town...So I have to wait until they come on TNT orTBS to watch them...ugh
The Jungle Book and Legend of Tarzan are the ones I will be looking for...except we have no theater in town...So I have to wait until they come on TNT orTBS to watch them...ugh
Andrew: yeah, I've been seeing your screenshots on FB. I love doing that too. If you remember I posted a lot of MGSV screenshots on FB....I have tons of screenshots I take with my camera...I love doing that. And with these in game cameras I have tons of photos. MGS 4 has the best in game camera, you can manlipulate the camera where Snake can also be in the picture.
I updated when it first came out and the main reason I like it is because it has a Start button...I had windows 8? and I had to move the mouse pointer off the top of the screen to bring up the options to shut the pc down.....I hated doing that. Now I just use the start button and the options pop up....easy!
Lol...that panda poster!
That's great BaD news! Enjoy your weekend.
Maybe you can least for the weekend.
Cookie Monster!!!
Every night when I go to bed I would watch youtube videos on my cell phone. Or do facebook and other useless tasks until i was ready for lights out. Now, I canceled my phone service so i go back to what i enjoy most before lights out...Reading! Lots of reading.
I enjoy watching fighting games on youtube..but funny thing is...I dont like playing them myself..go figure. I can watch them all day long.