They honestly I think believed that their fan base wouldnt be to harsh on it but it proved very very wrong in the end for them.
They honestly I think believed that their fan base wouldnt be to harsh on it but it proved very very wrong in the end for them.
I need to jumb back on a play it but after having like 300 to 400 souls and then dying kind of bummed me out. I rage quitted for the time being at that point, this game in a rage inducer for me but thats not excatly a bad thing. It will keep me coming back because I refuse to officially give up. Im still working on a archer but Im not doing a only bow build. Im gladly using my Axe,lol!
Im quite a weirdo, I never had any influence into Godzilla until the 90s movie. I actually like the movie and to this day like it. So im weird and Im proud dammit! Me and the bf are thinking of going to see TMNT next week. Im glad to hear it isnt too bad,
That plain suxs the patch broke the game, patches are suppose to do the darn reverse on something like that. I have only recently really gotten into PC gaming but personally Im a console person thru and thru. Stuff like this is pretty much what keeps me to that decision. However I wouldnt give up, just give it a few days and hopefully they will fix it fast.
I personally love Kuja from FF9 even though he is one of the bad guys. Even though his actions werent right he went against what was said to be his fate which in turn gave hope to the other Genomes that they dont have to be mindless vessels, that they could live a full life. I imagine there are several people who didnt like Kuja.
The post apparently was Zelda Misinformer and it seemed to piss alot of people off. Apparently it was talking about Ganon being announced for smash I believe and it was completely false. Idk, I had just woke up to all this going on, I wraped my head around it has much as possiable and said fuck it I dont have enough breadcrumbs to even get home now!
I guess for me its not to hard to consider fact checking, I typically try to do it with everything I read and I try to look up any info that can back it. Its just a me thing so I can see both sides of the arguement but I know deep down alot of people dont have that type of curiousty as me. Not to mention I will if I feel people here would wanna know post it on to here so I try to not make myself look like a fool,lol.
My characters name is Lady Bellanora, i think it is all merged too cause i dont remember choosing either.
Im playing Neverwinter and loving it. I currently have a hunter at lvl 9. If you deicide that ur gonna keep on playing it let me know. Maybe we can team up some on there!
I dont know if the story will be in the same vein with RE7 but hey who knows with capcom,lol. I wish they would too, i figure if the remake does good sales wise we might just get that wish.
I liked RE6, hell i liked the operation raccoon city game!