No. It was first released in 2008 and this is a 2011 reprinting of that.
No. It was first released in 2008 and this is a 2011 reprinting of that.
Wish there was another title in that list. At least one for 3DS. That would be cool.
I don't want to Nerf my 3DS, but I do worry about my Vita. I may get one for that.
Yea, and those are areas of the game I've not gotten to yet. I so want to go and finish it and see those places in game.
i wish that 8-bit game was somewhere. Maybe it is. I only did a quick search for it and found nothing. There is the soundtrack that was written for it that may be out there though.
I really want to see the rest of the game. I'll have to cheat and read up on the strategy for that boss.
I really want to the see the HD version in action now. I'm definitely going to get it sometime. I also want to try out the Wii version because it seems to me the Wiimote and Nunchuck would work well with the brush stroke gameplay mechanic; although, I've heard reviews that said it didn't work that great on the Wii.
You got a great attitude. That'll help.
I remember thinking about computers in high school but deciding not to because I wasn't the best at math and science.
For sure. I wonder who would make it since Clover is kaput. Maybe Platinum since there's some people from Clover there? Seems like a mismatch considering the kinds of games Platinum have put out. But maybe not.
It was King Fury. I've got to go back and beat that boss.