I haven't played this yet, but I will eventually. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get to games because my backlog is insane. I'm glad to hear that it has some depth to it.
I haven't played this yet, but I will eventually. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get to games because my backlog is insane. I'm glad to hear that it has some depth to it.
Metal Slug XX is tempting. Then again, I don't even know if my PSP still works lol.
Zelda II usually takes a lot of flak, but I always had a soft spot for it. That's my brother's favorite Zelda game actually. What website do you play those games on?
I had that Panda Adventure game on my Steam wishlist for awhile, but took it off for some reason. Probably because there's like a gagillion other games to beat. It does look pretty fun though. I can't believe I forgot about that with all the pandas around here lol.
I've pretty much given up hope of ever being able to beat Battletoads. Despite the countless hours of my youth spent playing that damn game, I never could beat it. I still like to play it every once in a while. It definitely has problems though. Like insane difficulty spikes.
I was kind of worried about Ikaruga before I bought it since it has a reputation. My friend said that it basically boils down to extreme memorization and muscle memory. I don't know if I'll be able to get far without a ton of practice, but whatever. It seems like a highly polished game.
Honestly, I can't remember the last time I was in GameStop lol. And yeah. I can definitely understand that. My brother and me was trying to play Diablo 3, but it was impossible to make progress with a two year old running around. That's just one kid too. It's hard to imagine having four lol.
Do what you gotta do Sonic. I hope everythings ok over there.
There's a comic book store in the mall around here. It's dangerous going in that place because there's so much crap that I want lol. Good luck with the job and the move!
Vanquish was good. I got Risen 2 during a Humble Bundle, but haven't tried it yet. That game has so much negativity surrounding it. I don't know if I'll even bother lol.
This is a bit off topic, but did you ever play Jet Moto on PS1? I had tried going back and playing it but it was hard as hell, and no matter how I tried I couldn't get anywhere near first place lol. I'm wondering just how much time we used to put into that. This one looks pretty fun though.
That's what I figure. Not to say that it's bad or anything. It's just kind of bland and there are better beat em ups on NES in my worthless opinion. As far as TMNT games go, I like the third one the best. And Turtles in Time of course.
The last shmup I played was Dragon Spirit (NES). I had bought Ikaruga on Steam not that long ago. So I'm looking forward to that one too. I never really played that many shmups.
FF IV is probably my third favorite FF game besides 6 and 9. I have the PSP version and it's pretty good. I think it holds up better visually than the DS version.
I've joined Club Nintendo. There's a few games I'd like to get on the 3DS VC, but I don't know if there's enough time. Unless I just go beserk and start buying a bunch of Nintendo games.
I usually prefer watching anime subtitled. They might have FotNS on Hulu or Crackle or something if you want to try watching it again.