My favourite Final Fantasy. I have played it a dozen times, but have never beaten it.
My favourite Final Fantasy. I have played it a dozen times, but have never beaten it.
I cannot forget to add the PS4 titles to my download list. If I ever get one of those, I want a massive collection of games before I even buy the console.
next month looks awesome. I am looking forward to Soul Sacrifice and Stranger's Wrath, granted that is because I have a Vita. I am sure that my brother will enjoy Binary Domain and Dark Arisen.
Resident Evil 4. Now I am wanting to fill my internal organs with PANCAKES.
How is it that I have only played one of these games to completion? I must be a terrible terrible person. Also, how would you know if I am wearing pants or not? That is a truly horrifying thought.
I have not played Battlefield since Bad Company 2. If I had not let my Gold supscription on the 360 lapse, I would definitely have considered picking this up.
All that I can say is that Asylum was awesome. I have not played City yet, so I cannot comment on the quality of that game. I have bought Arkham City a handful of times, but have never actually put it into my console. Not sure why.
I always feel compelled to go through my collection every once in a while and do some "spring cleaning." There are so many games that I absolutely loved and enjoyed, but they were one and done. I have no desire to step foot in that world again. What is the point of holding onto a game if I am never going to play it again?
I am still curious about The Bureau, and I might get AC IV at some point, but I do not think that I could get into Diablo 3. I already spent a ridiculous amount of time with Torchlight for the 360 and left quite satisfied.
The games that I really care about are the exclusives anyways. So any comment that I might have on the multi-platform games is just me being an idiot.
This movie is just like Human Centipede. I mean that in the sense that it is a film that I have absolutely no desire to ever watch it.