I do however wish my bday was in May, middle point in the year, perfect time to get it the fuck over with,lol!
I do however wish my bday was in May, middle point in the year, perfect time to get it the fuck over with,lol!
Dang you did buy a lot of music, found some awesome buys though by the looks of it. Ive kind of gotten back into collecting cds since playing music through my phone on my truck would cost $80 bucks,lol! I still buy digital too though. Amazon offers Auto Rip now which gives you the MP3 verison free which I find awesome.
My mom loves ducks, if we go anywhere and she knows there are some around she takes a bag of bread with her. Your neighbors are adorable ^_^
I hope so Jamie, I do have a job right now just hopeing to find something better. I am going take a bt before I pick back up on it but Im still searching in stores and online for something fulltime. I kow ifI get fulltime Ill be where I want until I get a degree. I have 3 years retail experiance so it has to count for something!
I know, it was just disappointing about the hours. I figured a big retail giant like that would garauntee hours or atleast keep you above 20. Im def gonna keep looking, Im not giving up, not one bit.
Glad I could raise your spirits Gemini, knowing that makes me def feel better ^_^. You and Joe both seem to have got the bad end of the stick in those 2 situations. I did use some gas to go the interview but nothing like what yall went through. Im gonna get back to looking and I think put only fulltime in the option. That way only people with a fulltime position will call me. The Luigi and Ryu vs Ken ones are my fave,lol
Joe I hope you figure a way to meet them, If I could i totally would.
I just started to get back into Skylanders so I might wait for Disney Infinity. It would cost me way too much to do both,lol!
I really need to finish Pokemon X, I got to the Kalos League but havent challenged against them yet.
LOL! I know but it is just a game, rats are actually very smart and good pets. I have known several people that have them has pets.
I totally just replied to your comment on my other blog about this! lol!
Im concentrating for now on Skylanders, I might try out Disney infinity finally once the marvel set releases.
Thank you Chris!
Skylanders can be copleted whole is you collect one of each type and element so you dont have to do a bg collect ting with it but Im def trying to collect all of them. Atleast what I can still grab. I saw on Facebook that Disney Infinity is getting a new game with sets under Marvel.
Yup, Normally because of Facebook nothing gets past me, now occasionally something will but for the most part it doesnt,lol! I saw it announced on there a few days ago. You have to buy the starter pack for it since the portal is a different one entirely.