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bullet656's Comments - Page 18

GoW Ascension. My first play of it.

Posted on 09/26/2013 at 02:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I plan to eventually get this game, but I have kept putting off buying it.  When I recently noticed that it had dropped in price I almost ordered it, but ended up getting a couple other games instead. I liked the first 3 games, but for some reason I've had the feeling that I will feel similar to you do once I play it-that it will just be the same old same old.

Jumping on the Breaking Bad bandwagon

Posted on 09/25/2013 at 09:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think you're lucky that you waited so long to start watching it. I love being able to binge watch an entire series for the first time, and this would be great series to do that with.  Some of my favorite series of all time I didn't discover until after they were over.  I kind of wish that I had held off watching Breaking Bad until it ended.  I started watching it in its second season, so I only had one season that I could quickly watch, and then I had to start waiting between episodes, and then waiting between seasons.

So... This is how I've been feeling lately...

Posted on 09/25/2013 at 08:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm having a blast with GTA5 and at the same time looking forward to Dark Souls 2.  There's a lot to love about both series (although I was dissapointed with GTA4).

Xbox 360: Bully Scholarship Edition

Posted on 09/13/2013 at 08:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I really enjoyed Bully when it came out.  I really like how they would change all the decorations in the school when it was the in-game Halloween and Christmas. I love when games do stuff like that.

 I hope they make a sequel one day.  I've always wanted to go back and play it again, but due to always having new games to play I rarely replay a game.  I think this one might be an exception because every time I see someone writing about it it makes me want to play it again.

What is the Difference Between Piracy and Buying Used Games?

Posted on 09/07/2013 at 09:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

If someone really is going to buy one game, and therefore buys one and pirates one, I agree that it doesn't hurt the industry at all.  It's still morally questionable, in my opinion, but not really all that bad. 

But I think the question really becomes would you really have only bought one game if you didn't feel piracy was okay?  Maybe once you beat that game you actually paid for, you would then want that other one, and would have sacrificed something else in your life you didn't want as much to get the money to pay for it.

Also, (this is not directed at you speficially, it's just my thoughts on piracy in general) I think that piracy has kind devalued the worth of games in many people minds. You see it all the time on internet boards, things like "$15 for that game?  Fuck it, I'll just pirate it." 

What is the Difference Between Piracy and Buying Used Games?

Posted on 09/07/2013 at 01:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't follow your reply at all.  How is piracy the same?  If you justify it because you're giving money to the company you "like" more, how is that not still going against what I said?  That attitude is still screwing someone.  You're still taking somebody's product without paying anybody for it.  Your justification may be "I like this company more, so I'm giving them my money," but that's still just a justification.  You're still taking and using the product of the company you claim to not like.

And maybe not you specifically, but a certain percentage of the people who use that justification would have bought that game if pirating wasn't an option, whether the game was used or not (and therefore benefitting someone, no matter if it was the original creator nor not).  So yes, it hurts people in a different way than used games do.
Again, I think digital piracy is a minor crime.  I don't typically judge people for it.  I just think you're getting pretty beligerent in your cavilier attitiude to justify it.  I'm sorry if that's comes across as rude.  I'm a little drunk right now.  I actually kind of want to erase what  I wrote right now, but I won't.  I'll just go ahead and say I think you're a pretty cool person as far as I can tell.  I really don't judge you harshly for pirating games.  I admit that I used to do it too.  I just don't think the same way about the subject nowadays.

Addicted to Persona IV

Posted on 09/06/2013 at 11:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

In the last year or so I played through both Persona 3 and 4 and loved them both.  If you like Persona 4, you'll almost certainly like Persona 3 too.  They are extremely similar in almost every way.  Although I think I'm in the minority, I enjoyed Persona 3 more, or at least the characters in it, but I would include both in a list of my favorite games.

Like some of the others said, you can't control your other party members in 3, but if I remember correctly you can at least partially tell them how to behave (such as attack using persona/physical,help members, defend, etc).  I might be confusing it with something else though.  And it might have only been the FES addition that I was playing.

My Top 10 Futurama Episodes

Posted on 09/06/2013 at 11:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Great list.  Number one might have been predictable, but how could it not be?  It was one of the best episodes of any show ever.  It makes me tear up a little just thinking about it.


The only episode that I can think of right now that would bump one of these off on my list is the second episode, The Series has Landed.  Although that episode has a lot of great lines, I would have to include it just because it was the first episode that I saw (although it was a few months after the show had started) and made me fall immediately in love with the show.

I just watched the series finale last night and thought it was very touching and ended the series on a high note.

What is the Difference Between Piracy and Buying Used Games?

Posted on 09/06/2013 at 11:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Good question.  Looking past the fact that one is legal and one isn’t, they are quite similar in that the actual creators of the work don’t get paid either way (at least not directly).  But they are different in other ways.  The simplest and most obvious reason being that a great deal of the time (although I know there are exceptions) people that sell used games use that money to buy other games, therefore still helping the industry.

 But you asked about the moral aspect.  I’ve never really thought about it before, so this is kind of the top of my head.  This could be a really in-depth and interesting discussion (which I don’t really have time for), but to put it simply, societies have pretty much always ran on trade of goods and services.  Trade of used goods still benefits people, whether they are the original creators of the goods or not.  The seller can go on and spend that money on something else they want or need, while the buyer gets the goods they want at a (typically) cheaper price.  For a (potential) buyer to take themselves out of that equation but to still take the benefits of that society makes it morally questionable, in my opinion.

But in comparison to other things that rank as morally wrong in my mind, pirating games ranks really low on the list.  I just wanted to weigh in since I thought this was an interesting question.

Breaking Bad is The Greatest Show EVER!!!

Posted on 08/28/2013 at 03:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can understand how someone could find the show boring, I guess (although I far from agree).  Not everyone is in to this type of drama.  But I'm curious about the stock character line too. I don't know how anyone who has watched the show can make that claim.

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