To be fair my man, I ve never met another human being (myslef included) who isn't a hypocrit. You seem to get a tough time of it at home, despite that you know we both see this subjects from rather different angles I actually agree with more than one of your points. People who say we have it worse now (in terms of violence etc) really don't appreciate how barbaric we were as a society a few hundred/ thousand years ago. Sure nasty things happen now just as they did back then but on the whole the world seems a generally more civilised place with more 'equal rights' for sexes, ages and creeds. I also see you point on 'loving God' but I see that in a slightly different way to what you auggest here; my interpretation is that we (humans) are infallible and by placing all our faith/ love into another human is foolish as at some point they will let you down/ break their promises etc. Thats not to say not to feel true love for another person, infact that is what being human is all about, but I quite like Dante's depiction of the lovers level in 'Hell' where they are forever swirling about close to each other but never able to touch (just so you know I don'e believe there is actually a 'tornado lovers level in Hell, I just like the analogy it offers). Hell is a funny concept, for me I believes it's just the absence of God (ghosts/ spirits haunting buildings etc), I can imagine nothing worse than being stuck on this planet (which is cheallenging enough when you are alive) without being able to enjoy sleep, taste, smell and touch. People however (as I ve bleated on about before!) need tools to formulate their understanding of the world and whilst I think you are clearly an intelligent and questioning individual to which these tools are 'obsolete', there are plenty of other people who need these tools. I love this quote from Itchi Uchia from the series Naruto:
"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts… their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"
Thats one of the most inspirational things I ve ever heard.... and it was from a cartoon.
Your Dad needs to respect that you should have the space, time and freedom to find your own path to what ever lies beyond us, and the desperation he seems to impose on you to 'convert' lies in his own misunderstandings of what God want's, misunderstanding what God truly wants is something every single person on this planet no matter what faith they follow/ do not follow falls into. Finally let me finish with an awesome anaolgy about what it is like to argue with a Christian that I read on the comments section of you tube:
"Arguing with a Christian is like playing chess with a pigeon, even if you are victorious they strut around like the winner, knock over all the pieces and shit on the board"