I've been pretty lucky with the PS3 updates. The last one downloaded fast and without issues. I managed to avoid the bad one before it got fixed. Overall they do seem to have it together lately.
I've been pretty lucky with the PS3 updates. The last one downloaded fast and without issues. I managed to avoid the bad one before it got fixed. Overall they do seem to have it together lately.
Congrats on the anniversary! That has to be a lot of work. But I'm sure it's a labor of love for you. Cool when you can work on a site that is fun to do. You do some great reviews over there. I like them and like your insights.
Somehow Animal Crossing has eluded me up to now. I am currently looking for the Gamecube game. I'm sure I'll become quite addicted to that one. This new one sounds too interestint to miss out on.
Dark Horse puts out some great content. I'm a big fan of the hardcover books they publish relating to video game art,too. I'm going to find those Last Of Us comics this weekend. I had no idea Double Fine did a podcast. Is it on iTunes? Will have to look it up because I listen to game podcasts quite a bit during my work travels.
Perhaps someday they will do a movie of MGS. Now that would be incredible. Maybe someday......could happen.
Most people probably scratch their head and go WTF at some of the songs I listen to. Gotta remember I'm an "Oldie Olsen" who has an open mind when it comes to music. It helps to be that way when you live in the "heart of country music" as some folks call Oklahoma. I don't buy it.
I'm starting to warm up to the XBOX One a bit. Going to give them the benefit of the doubt after they back-pedalled so hard on the BS policies they wanted to enact. It does appear to be a powerhouse of a system with great potential for the future.
Fantastic review of this amazing game. You nailed it on all points. During the last sections I felt like I was fighting Terminators. You'd shoot a guy point blank in the face and he would simply "shake it off"! Even with shotguns. It seemed to mar what turned out to be a rather touching ending. The voice work and facial animations were better than any game I can recall. As the credits rolled I was in awe of just how many people worked on this one. Kind of like Tomb Raider in that regard. But they all came together to create a masterpiece they should be very proud of.
I loved Tomb Raider,but wished there had been more exploration and puzzles to solve. It seemed really heavy on combat. But the great story made it worth fighting through wave after wave of enemies. Aegis Wing sounds like one I would like. So does Mountain Crime,as I've been playing lots of point and click games lately.
I rented that game once and remember liking it. It stood out with it's gameplay. Like you said,it is a very colorful game. One of the more unique N64 titles to be sure.