I am getting excited for MKE Brewing's Sasquash.
I did pick up Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout and cannot wait for it to cool to the proper drinking temperature.
I am getting excited for MKE Brewing's Sasquash.
I did pick up Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout and cannot wait for it to cool to the proper drinking temperature.
I really like A Fistfull of Nickles. That whistle and similar sound to the Wild Arms games sold me on it right away.
So many games. That is a load of crap. $35 for Xenoblade, and of course two weeks after I ordered my copy, Gamestop started selling it again for less than I paid.
I really enjoyed Breath of Fire when I played it a while ago. I was always planning on getting the psone classic version of IV, but never got around to it. One of the many reasons that I would like a VIta.
I am starting to wonder if I should be taking pictures of the food that I make...
Since I finally was able to get into a tactical RPG, I am finally wanting to play Disgaea
It has the same screens as the original 3DS
I loved Cortex Strikes Back. I did put a lot of time into that game, but never actually beat it. Maybe it was that I did not 100% it.
I am definitely glad that I got an XL, but I am sure that I would have gotten a 2DS if it had been an option.
He will be 7. I believe that his family already has a couple of the leapfrogs lying about. I may end up holding off and get him one next year.
A Link to the Past is my favourite Zelda, but Link's Awakening is currently tied with the Oracle games for 2nd.
The one thing that I just thought about. I think that he would definitely treat it as a treasure, and nobody goes around destroying a treasured possession.