Heavy Burger looks like the opposite level of intensity than My Brother Rabbit. lol
Heavy Burger looks like the opposite level of intensity than My Brother Rabbit. lol
Yeah, I think it's partly on me for being a news junkie and liking too many news articles. I might have to make it a rule not to interact with all that.
That's a good attitude.
I'm sure Willie Nelson would pop up on mine since there was that whole concert he did with Beto O'Rourke people went crazy over, whether cheering or booing depending on partisan affiliation.
I'm still curious as well. Maybe I can find it.
Is it in the PS+ package for this month or did I miss it in October?
I spend way too much time on Facebook posting jokes. It's an easier format for me to get used to and I have several friends who appreciate my humor. Too bad Twitter just doesn't seem to go the same way for me. Mostly, I just get contrarian responses to anything I say. Oh well.
Well, shit. You people are not good for my wallet with your "Red Dead 2 can be played without playing 1" nonsense.
There are good people on it, I just seem to be getting fed all the annoying parts.
Well, at least no one you know died in South Central L.A.
I'm not seeing anything come up on my Desktop Spotify app when I search "Texas Midterms Playlist." Bummer.
Yeah, I got nothin' except I think 2064 looks interesting.
I thought Ragnarok and Deadpool were pretty clever in their ways; I think you just mean you want more lighthearted, humorous takes.
When I call Venom dumb, I mean that in a literal sense. It's a really dumb movie, definitely not on par with Ragnarok and Deadpool in terms of overall quality. It has CGI that would look iffy in the mid-2000s where those movies are state-of-the-art. I like that about it though.