Posted on 09/01/2020 at 09:05 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I don't remember playing the E.T. game when it came out, but then, I didn't have an Atari 2600 until much later. And even if I did, I probably wouldn't have gotten this game. Mainly because I actually didn't like the E.T. movie that much. It was too long and drawn out and E.T. looked ugly like a rotisserie chicken and not huggable and cute like Gizmo or ALF. Plus I was mad that they hyped up Reese's Pieces for the movie, and when I FINALLY got to taste them, I was very disappointed. Peanut Butter M&Ms are what Reese's Pieces should've been.
Once I did play E.T., I had no idea what I was doing, but once you read the instructions it becomes a little more clear. But even then it wasn't much more fun. Atari 2600 games were mostly pick up and play kind of affairs, so the ones that you had to read the instructions to really know what to do were kind of rare and most were not worth playing.
There is one Atari 2600 game that is complicated enough that you have to read the instructions, but it's defintely worth it. The game is called Pressure Cooker and it's by Activision and it's my favorite 2600 game. I highly recommend you play it if you get a chance.