Looking forward to that feature. Say what you want about modern Bioware, they do make great DLC.
Looking forward to that feature. Say what you want about modern Bioware, they do make great DLC.
A lot of people give them shit for changing the ending, but I think it was the right move. That they decided to so quickly shows me it was less them caving and more them making up for time restraints which admittedly should not have existed in the first place. I think in the long run it will be better to have the new ending.
I'm just going to leave this here about Origin customer service regarding SimCity.
I want to get the Star Wars tables. Really love SW and would give something to play on my Vita. I wouldn't really say Uncharted gets easier with the next two games, but it does balances puzzles and platforming better with the combat. They also let you take a stealthy approach where you take enemies out. It's easy to figure out and can give you a lot less enemies to take out later on.
I may have actually went for Dead Space 3 during sales if it wasn't trying to become an action game. I really enjoyed 2 and was excited at the idea of what they could do with the series after. I'm just sick of EA. I hope they can stop this crap without developers I love like Insomniac and Bioware getting shut down. Then again, after Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3, I'm not sure if them staying is better. And I love ME3, it's just the direction it went may not be good for the series in the long run.
Think I saw that picture before. I care less about the interface and more that it works. PSN looks better than XBL in my opinion, but I still prefer XBL a lot because of how quick and easy it is compared to PSN. Hopefully the PS4 is an improvement. Thief 4 is a nice surprise too.
It's for the 3DS. I'm doing a review on it, so I got it a little early. Pretty cool so far.
Arkham City was good, but I thought Asylum was the better game. I liked its smaller environments and thought City dumbed down the combat a little too much. Was still worth the day one purchase though.
All it took was that Wrex would be a party member for me to want to get this day one. I just wanted another go with my favorite Krogan in ME3 and this will finally give it to me. I agree on ME3 too, it wasn't perfect, but it's still one of my favorite games ever and I'll still be replaying it for the rest of my life.
A lot of people disliked the Mako bits, but I always loved them. Each planet felt so big and it was such a trip going around each. Main quest is pretty short, four planets then the final one. Those actually don't give you achievements though, but the list is still pretty outrageous.