Wasn't it wonderful that new england got hammered with snow! I was so happy with glee! seeing all those cars stuck and people tired of the cold.
It was the best birthday gift ever!
Wasn't it wonderful that new england got hammered with snow! I was so happy with glee! seeing all those cars stuck and people tired of the cold.
It was the best birthday gift ever!
hmmm....Those graphics look aweful too close to mario bros.
Much like that flappy birds.....*ponders*
I'd be excited to if I got a DS. who cares if it's not current tech, it still has enough gaming fun to make it worth anyone's while. Espiecally like you said how you can score some titles real cheap now. I got my wife those GBA cases and have been in the market for the DS kind that can hold a good number of games. She does have a few.
I personally loved how they worked in the cold war plot to the this game in a way that made it believable. So that's the reason why the cuban missile crisis was averted!
also I loved watching the outtakes in my copy of the game.
Nothing a pitcher of warm water can't fix in clearing off one's windshield. Just have to make sure there are no cracks on it or else *cRACK!*
Bummer! I'm still not set up yet to watch and listen to these videos at work! Will have to try to get to them later when I have time at home =(
Who can forget those beatings one gets when they stay up too late playing games. I got plenty of those growing up. Oddly it wasn't a deterant for me to continue gaming.
Enjoy all that snow, you can keep it as far as us Nebrasian midwesterns are concerned =P
Oh to only be a young kid again. Aw screw it. I want me some deadly snowfights!
That is rather interesting. Uusually it's the opposite for those feelings, moreso given how many are feeling with cabin fever. Hope you made snow angels!
And it's a pity that moar is on the way. Or was as of this writing, now it sounds you got hit even more. I'll do my best not to cackle with glee =(