Posted on 07/25/2018 at 04:56 PM
| Filed Under Feature
I have subtitles on for everything now, because I can't friggin' hear anything any more. That's only a problem with new stuff.
I liked the detective stuff in Detroit's demo as well ... even if it is exactly the same thing as the Arkham Origins and Knight crime scene recreations. Except better, because finding clues actually changes outcomes.
I kinda figured you might get sidetracked by the cabaret club, because it's an actual minigame instead of just button mashing in a menu sometimes. I feel like they could have made that more interesting. Have you tried the pocket circuit racing yet?
Barcadia in Dallas doesn't have free games. Dammit. I need to find one of these places where the machines are free. I want to say I played on the Adam's Family machines as a kid before. Probably in a movie theater lobby or some such.
Are Yu-Gi Oh cards worth anything, currently? Asking for myself. And uh ... well, that got poitical. As did Angelo's Twitter, I noticed before I deactivated. Man, that has become a toxic, toxic place (not because of Angelo, just in general).You've never seen Angelo use an emoji, while I've never *seen* Angelo emote at all.
I'm stopped at 1:04:55, so I'll come back for Patrick's Bloc Chain (?) talk.