I my collection went down last year but I buy books like crazy, I need the library from Beauty and the beast,lol.
I my collection went down last year but I buy books like crazy, I need the library from Beauty and the beast,lol.
I read 20 this last year so I decided to tack on 10 more for an extra reach. I love goodreads, its another home for me like pixlbit is. Its just my home for me reading side,lol. I plan to read the Game of Thrones series eventually. I heard mixed things about it but I wanna give it my own try.
Thank you and happy new year! Thats a great way to do theyear, I just feel for once I need to fill some accompishment this year. Especially since Im turning 25 come September and I havent barely at all done any goals I had set for reaching my mid twenties. I feel though if I achieve these 3, it might just make me feel better.
Hopefully this year, that can change for the 2 of us!
Im looking forward to several of the same titles you are, Nintendo I think will have a good year in 2014. One that really has my attention is Hyrule Warriors, I cant wait for more info on it!
I grabed Sleeping Dogs for free on PS+ and it was really good, I enjoyed playing it. If I ever have a PS3 again I def plan to redownload it. I def encourage anyone with a Gold account grab it!
Happy New Year Gemini! I hope you have a great start to the year!
Im gonna be buying Destiny as well, It releases a day before my bday so Birthday gift it shall be!
Happy New Year Goaztecs!
Me and you share several of the same goals, I hope we both have a great year accomplishing them!
Happy New Year Broken!
Im totally starting my new year tomorrow playing your game!