I don't know what I'd do without my PS3 now. I use it for all sorts of non-gaming stuff like Netflix quite a bit. One of the greatest consoles ever created I feel.
I don't know what I'd do without my PS3 now. I use it for all sorts of non-gaming stuff like Netflix quite a bit. One of the greatest consoles ever created I feel.
I would definitely vote for it as Game Of The Year. As the credits rolled I was thinking how I would miss it. Maybe I will play it again next month.
It really is. We just finished it a couple of hours ago. Just like with Bioshock Infinite I had to sit back and absorb what happened. Really stirs up your emotions.
The story is what sets it apart from the crowd. You do fight plenty of regular humans as well as infected. If you liked Tomb Raider you might like this one. The combat is similar and so is the crafting part of it.
Sounds too good to pass up. I love having a collection of classics like those. I will definitely be getting this one. It's the first two games on that list that intrigue me. Never played those before.
Very impressive piece. The percussion is awesome on this. Always liked hearing sitar in music.
That was the one. Thought I had it mixed up in my brain. I just remembered that voice saying "Skate Or Die!" And then running out of time. It is hard to look at this game after playing the Tony Hawk series. But for it's day it was sort of different.
I came full circle on my PS3. It used to be so neglected. Now I think I play it more than anything else. I love the 500 gig hard drive,too.
Definitely worth it if you can wait. I hope more games like this one come along for next gen consoles in 2014.
It's way too early in the day....but I want one,too! Those sound like some I'd enjoy. I consider myself very open minded when it comes to beer. Tried every one I could all over Asia when I was in the Navy. Worst one? San Miguel,a Philipino beer. They use formaldahyde as a preservative in it! Pretty freaking gross.