I've seen the Goemon anime on shelves, but sadly, I never saw it. At some point I might track down Goemon's Great Adventure. It was very well-regarded.
I've seen the Goemon anime on shelves, but sadly, I never saw it. At some point I might track down Goemon's Great Adventure. It was very well-regarded.
I hear you. I have a huge pile of shame. Lately, I've been on a Konami kick, because I skipped most of Konami's stuff the first time around, and I bought Suikoden II, III, and V. MNSG is a great game. I haven't played Goemon's Great Adventure, but I've heard good things about it and it looks nice.
Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Quest VIII, Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy XII, Xenogears, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Ni no Kuni, Fallout: New Vegas, Sakura Wars: So Long My Love, and Tales of Symphonia.
Might want to jump on VC2 quickly then. However, you can also buy the downloadable version of that game on PSN.
This is a day-one purchase. ToS is still one of my favorite games. And if Namco gives us a sweet CE like they're doing with Xillia... well!
I've held off on Third Birthday myself, being a huge fan of the original PE. That was the first game I ever pre-ordered. Still, I don't think I can stay away forever and will take the plunge. Hopefully it will be before it's $100 on eBay.
Excellent blog, man. I certainly found it more even-handed than any of Anita Sarkeesian's videos.
I've been a fan of the Metroid series from its infancy. The original Metroid was the first great NES game I played after The Legend of Zelda, way back in the 1980s, while Super Metroid is one of my favorite games of all time to this day. I still have my SNES version of it as well as the downloadable version on my Wii U.
Of the 3-D Metroids, my favorites are Other M and Prime 1.
The Capcom hub looks cool, but I have the Capcom Classics Collection for PS2, and since I have a 60-gigger PS3 I can play it on that. 1943 and Ghosts'n'Goblins are probably my favorite games from that batch. Capcom was a lot more awesome in the 1990s than they were in the 1980s.
Anybody passionate about anything - hobbies, TV shows, religions, politics - is prone to acting like this. Back in the 1950s you'd see people insulting each other over their choice of car, TV, or washing machine. You should see Android partisans arguing with Apple partisans. Makes the video game industry look downright mature by comparison.