There you go check that price out lol.
There you go check that price out lol.
Yea it was different, it wasnt bad i couldn't give a better score because its so generic and basic certainly nothing wrong with that though.
Im pretty pumped cause i really want to know am i going Microsoft or Sony and then we can all put the speculation to rest and concentrate on whats important and thats software for the new systems.
Get down with the Sickness!!!! I miss Desturbed I liked David better withem there last concert i saw was off the chain and i miss Staley from Alice in Chains there bandis nothing now compared to then.
Yes we recently had some big one and i was watching the ones outsid of Shawnee right before they were there and there was some serious dangers all over, and tomarrow we have a sytem thats going to move through our area that was the same weather that moved through your areas i was hoping you were ok knowing that you live in oklahoma just above texas glad you guys are all right and really glad the fatalitys were low, but living where we do this kind of weather is to be expected although it never makes it any easier.
Well you did have one more exciting then mine to i did my wifes honey do lists and played Omerta city of gangsters.
Well as you put it crossing the line isnt so much about ethical as it is received you have to ask yourself how it will be receceived theres alot of gamers that wont like it then again if its part of the story and really needs to be told there may not be a choice depending on the story, but look at Rockstar and how much scrutiny they get and ask yourself is it worth the hassle,anyway i have a 17 year old so i know how busy your lives can be but it sounds like your being a very responsible young man by school and a job and putting that as priorities is ok so we will excuse u this time for not being on here lol hope this helps a little.
Yes that would be cool especially since im not much of a platforming kind of gamer well the exception being castlvania of course.
I completely conquer this Tri-battle system is by far one of the best i ever played.
You know its sad when they make a great game like SC and totally screw it up look at persona 4 arena now thats a good example of a game done right it should equally fun for on or offline and when they butcher a game and make it uneaven for the reason of making the offline story mode so good that the online mode has to suffer is just bad designing all the way around.