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Ranger1's Comments - Page 23

Summer is for action games

Posted on 08/31/2018 at 11:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Cary, are you sure it was the new Tomb Raider on Netflix and not the Angelina Jolie one from 2001? I had to get the new one through Netflix DVD. The new one is kind of a cross between the first and second reboot games. I wish I hadn't seen it before playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, because there was a bit of a spoiler in the movie.

As always, I love your reviews. However, Animal Crossing is pretty much the only sim I've ever really been able to get into, and it's a love/hate realtionship, lol.

Summer is for action games

Posted on 08/31/2018 at 10:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Beau's good. He's a brat and I have to dog-proof the house every time I leave, or he gets mad because I left him home and he gets into mischief.

I like Vesperia, but it hasn't grabbed me the same way a bunch of other Tales games have. It's on my list to finish as soon as I feel like playing an RPG again, though. And I still have Xillia 2 to finish, as well. By the way, did you know that the voice actor who did Flynn's voice is the same one who did Jude's voice?

I played the intro level to Horizon Zero Dawn and it was awesome. It will be next up after Arkham City, I think.

Summer is for action games

Posted on 08/31/2018 at 10:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

But I LOVE my rpgs, lol. Just not during the summer.

Yeah, I knew that it was because I was going from a recent game to an older game. Told my friend/neighbor/coworker/adopted little brother that same thing yesterday.

Summer is for action games

Posted on 08/31/2018 at 10:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's a lot easier to buy spiffy new toys when one doesn't have a family to support. I used some of the money my dad left me to buy the PS4.

I hauled out a bunch of my DS games yesterday, quite a few that I started and never finished. Need to fix that. But of course I grabbed the never ending Animal Crack Crossing, lol.

Broken Xbox. XBO Back Compat Saves the Day

Posted on 08/30/2018 at 08:17 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm lucky, our local independant game store also repairs old consoles, so if mine isn't working, I'm sure Tony and his crew will get it working again.

Summer is for action games

Posted on 08/30/2018 at 08:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I do have a PS4. We're friends, too, lol. And I still play my 360.

The Quick Hits/What Am I Playing Combo Blog With More Combo!

Posted on 08/29/2018 at 03:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Franchise dentists are the worst. Unfortunately, I had to use one when I got my wisdom teeth out. Last time I will do that.

Broken Xbox. XBO Back Compat Saves the Day

Posted on 08/29/2018 at 03:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh, gosh. I haven't hooked up my original Xbox in forever. Hope it still works! I really need to get my butt in gear and go through all the boxes I have piled up in every corner of the cottage so that I can set up a retro game corner.

PS2 Retro and XBO

Posted on 08/29/2018 at 03:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

A lot of the earlier PS2 games still had manuals that told you what did what. I miss manuals, because I could sit and figure out how to do stuff before I even fired up the game.

What a donation to my collection!

Posted on 08/29/2018 at 03:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Great score, Larry! My uncle and aunt were given a Pong deck for their wedding by someone who didn't know them very well (more outdoorsy than gamer), I have no idea what the brand was. Might have been an original, for all I know. We kids would hook it up, play for about 15 minutes and then get bored and go back outside to play.

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