I want to hear about animals indigenous to Australia. I like them. .... and I don't mean a blog about Blake either. :P
I want to hear about animals indigenous to Australia. I like them. .... and I don't mean a blog about Blake either. :P
Tammarra, Tammarra, it will be better Tammarra, It's only a day away. - Little Mothman Annie.
Well maybe I should check it out on the Wii to see it in it's original form first then.
It only takes a second Nici, then anyone can see all the BaD blogs in one view all nice and neat like.
I need to finish up Suikoden II and move on to P4 Golden to get ready for 5. I might even finish Persona Q by then too.
Yeah I loved the combat and the boss battles.
Yeah you're pretty much left to figure things out on your own. Funny game though
From the small pictures it actually looks like a game I'd play. Too bad it sucks.
I tried to do project work today but I ended up fixing people's problems all day instead. I should probably be working now but I can't be arsed. Debating whether to take the day off tomorrow but likely won't.
I agree with you on 3. Tartarus was definitely boring but I found some of the dungeons in 4 highly amusing.
LOL, that last sentence is priceless. It's funny because it's true.