troughton and pertwee seemed to have so much fun, and they were in their late 40s early 50s.
troughton and pertwee seemed to have so much fun, and they were in their late 40s early 50s.
they changed their mind, who is to say that they will not do it again? Titanfall and that insomniac game are tempting, but not tempting enough. I have faith that the PS4 will have superior exclusives.
I guess it is officially true.
It would be even cooler if the ps4 came out a week before COD.
it is epic, and not the Superman that you remember.
Then the only problem becomes the lack of Sony exclusives and the $100 for the kinect that I do not really want.
I have fallen back in love with Nintendo recently. Nothing beats those classic games. I really just want to hurry up and finish Legend of Zelda so that I can move onto another retro classic.
I played far too many FPSs in a row. So I am currently recovering with NES and SNES games. Working through Legend of Zelda, and hope to play some Super Metroid and Super Mario RPG.
Just to clarify, FTS means that Sony is going to slap Microsoft?
I was debating getting one of those. I have 3 dozen or so random genesis games lying around. While I do have a genesis, I do not have an NES or SNES for my handful of those games.
My favourite eagles song, ever. I found it interesting that Jackson Browne had a hand in writing that song.
Second Sight is one of my favourite games on the ps2. I am not quite sure why I had picked it up, but I was so glad that I did. I just wish that I could remember what happened at the end of the story.