Color me old fashioned, but I'd like more turn-based RPGs.
Color me old fashioned, but I'd like more turn-based RPGs.
Ahem. Thor is my bitch.
I just play whatever I'm in the mood for. Since disposable income is pretty much non-existent at the moment, I'm having fun with my majorly huge backlog. I'm about 2/3 of the way through Tales of Vesperia at the moment and cleaning up sidequests before I tackle the end of the game. After that, I have no idea what will strike my fancy. My PS3 needs some TLC, so the 360 got hooked back up for the first time in over a year a couple of weeks ago. I'd completely forgotten how many games I'd downloaded and never touched through Games With Gold. It's like Christmas all over again!
I got nothing. Except maybe that CD of sea shanties for AC Black Flag. Which I haven't listened to.
I'd been debating whether to get Cars 2, leaning on the "no" side, but I think you just changed my mind.
I won't pay for PS+. I have my reasons. So I didn't get it for free. I dunno how I feel about having it remade, either, but I'll have to play it because I need a comparison. It'll make a great blog topic, something I'm short on these days.
I actually preferred Zestiria. I think it was a mix of the art style, the discoveries, and I really liked the story and characters.
I went from playing Tales of Berseria to playing Tales of Vesperia, a game I've had forever and has just been sitting there mocking me from Mount Backlog. And you're right, Berseria was awesome.
I haven't played the remake for the PS4, but the PS2 Ratchet and Clank games are some of my all-time favorites. And the difficulty ramps up in each game. But oh-so-fun!
Wrath of Khan (II) and The Voyage Home (IV) are my favorites. I really haven't liked any of them since Generations. The new ones are lacking what made Star Trek special, and are just run-of-the-mill action movies.
Epic? More like Epic Fail.